Veni, vidi, vici! We are proud to announce that our analyst Selina Pietsch has won this year's Young ESOMAR Society (YES) Award.
"What Can We Learn from Tweets and Co. for Open-end Analysis?"
In a 60 seconds pitch, our analyst Selina presented her research on text analytics and topic modeling and how different models offer benefits for analyzing open-ended answers. In just a few sentences, she was able to convince the audience to vote for her and receive the trophy.
Additionally, as the winner, she was given the opportunity to present her research in length in a pecha kucha style presentation, managing to convey her story in 20 slides each 20 seconds.
Congrats Selina, we are very proud!
FYI: If you're interested in reading more about Selina's winning topic, don't miss this article on her ESOMAR experience at RW Connect.